
來源:國語幫 3.31W

Application study on PHI and 16PF and SCL-90 for freshman's psychology inspection


Integration of the IEC TC 57 CIM with the IEC 61850 SCL Model and Modeling of the UCIM

Analysis on the Result of SCL-90 Test to the Teaching Staff of an Occupational College in Guangdong

Culture of Interstitial Cells of Cajal of Murine Small Intestine and the Effect of Gene Transfection of SCL on Its C-kit Expression;

結果:春節返鄉農民工的SWLS得分和SCL- 90得分存在顯著的負相關。

Results The SCL-90 total score,total mean score,positive symptom items,somatization,compulsion,melancholy,anxiety,hostile,phobia,paranoia,psychsis sub-scale in primary and middle school teachers were higher than the norm.

方法:以簡明精神症狀自評量表(SCL 90)為測試工具,採用分層整羣隨機抽樣研究方法。



SCL-90 Results of Rural Elderly in Welfare Institute;

The Survey of the Application of SCL-90 in Children;

Investigation of the mental health condition of high performance college athletes based on the SCL-90

METHOD:By cross-sectional study, 363 health school students were investigated with SCL-90 and Toronto Alexithymia Scale.

The2- wire interface is a widely used Master, multi-slave protocol using a serial clock( SCL) and a serial data line( SDA).

不同氣質組的SCL-90各項因子分比較均有不同程度的統計學意義,膽汁質和抑鬱質的患者組SCL -90各項因子分均高於多血質和粘液質患者組。

結果:該院本科生在SCL- 90各因子上的得分均明顯高於全國正常人常模。


結果毒品依賴者的心理健康狀況明顯較正常人差,在SCL - 90的因子分中,軀體化、抑鬱、焦慮和精神病*高分的比例較大,而*別、有無職業和是否獨居的得分無顯著*差異。

Re-testing reliability,validity and norm applicatility of SCL-90;

Methods The mental health status of 815 female workers from Hangzhou was investigated with symptom check list-90 (SCL-90).

Methods Analysize self symptoms and the factors affected psychology in patients with SLE by filling in forms SCL 90 and psychologically influential factors in 67 patients.


方法:隨機抽取某大學醫學生314人,採用精神症狀自評量表(SCL 90 )、艾森克個*問卷(EPQ)、生活事件調查表(LES)以及一般情況調查表,調查分析醫學大學生的心理健康狀況及其影響因素。

A comparative study on SCL - 90 of female prisoners;

Investigation of the Mental Health State of the North Sichuan Medical Students of the Psychological Counseling Using SCL-90;

Methods Sleeping quality and the influential factors of 315 nursing undergraduates in a university in Guangzhou were investigated with PSQI, SCL-90 and self-designed scales of sleeping quality.


Study on College Students' Mental Health Status and a Reflection on the SCL-90


Methods Middle School students in Jiangsu Rural Areas were investigated with SCL-90 by stratified sampling.

結果 新鄉市中小學教師 SCL-90的總分、總均分、陽*項目數、軀體化、強迫、抑鬱、焦慮、敵對、恐怖、偏執、精神病*因子分均比全國常模高 ;

SCL-90 was composed of 90 items in 10 factors, including somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, hostility, horror, bigoted and psychosis etc.


Norms Establishment of SCL-90 among Zhangzhou Normal University Freshmen;

1. SCL-90 was administrated to 1263 nuke soldiers, 361 naval ship soldiers and 753 artillerymen, and those results were not only respectively compared with the norms of general people of SCL-90, but with the military norms of SCL-90.
