
來源:國語幫 3.35W

Germany is ranked 18th—on a par with El Salvador but above Japan.

This was an island called Guanahani, which is also known as San Salvador in the present-day Bahamas.

El Salvador has a "road of flowers," and Nicaragua has a "road of white villages" connecting villages from the colonial period.

On October 19, 2011, the United Nations News Centre reported that heavy rains had caused serious flooding in el Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, as well as Mexico.

然而,保衞它們的北極熊(白熊)只意味着一件事情:布拉瓦海岸的薩爾瓦多·達利(Salvador Dalí)的家。


The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.

In El Salvador, the left-wing FMLN's attempts to dislodge the conservative Arena party may founder.

Finally, we'll head to El Salvador, a nation with so much promise for growth with the potential to benefit both of our nations.

Amid the global financial crisis the economy shrank by 3.6%, one of the biggest drops in the region. El Salvador is not an easy place to govern.

In el Salvador, the first country to ratify the accord, exports are sluggish. The main exception is a lively business in re-exporting Brazilian ethanol to the United States to get round tariffs.

In return, Australia would resettle refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Al Jazeera is also reporting that Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Indonesia have all taken measures to limit the effect of food prices on farmers and consumers.

"I woke up the day he won and had two e-mails from my parents and friends saying, 'Your professor's a Nobel laureate,'" said Erick Walsh, 19, a sophomore from el Salvador.

Controlling crime is even harder in weak Central American states such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

A legislative election in el Salvador saw the left-wing FMLN party winning the largest share of the vote but failing to win an absolute majority in the Congress.

The polar bear that guards them, however, means only one thing: Salvador Dalí's home in Costa Brava.

Heavy rains began falling on El Salvador on Saturday night as the storm moved through.

In one image, she colored in her bushy eyebrow as a branch to hang over a melting clock to recreate Salvador Dali's famous painting — The Persistence of Memory.

This cool timepiece was inspired by Salvador Dalí's creative art.
