用the general造句子,“the general”造句

來源:國語幫 2.96W

But the general picture is probably right.

In this paper, the general rational solutions and the general integer solutions of are given.

Epitomize the general idea,the depict way of the text.

The hostler ran to report it to the general immediately.

Some of today's words of general, such as a sudden opening up, if the general does not abandon, some willing to follow the general.

Wyatt talked to self and asked him about the general.

This project was designed by the general engineer himself.

This article presents the general thinking and practice of Changle County on the development of the general senior middle school education in the new situation.

Following the trail with the sureness of a bloodhound, came the general.

Under the general condition, the consistency of the ridge estimation is proved.

Usually special color printing methods are to the ground, very few outlets to deal with, so general rarely mentioned in the general-screening point of view.

If an epidemic worsened, the rules would apply to the general population.

Sensitive stage in the make-up show to see Chen Ting (Sonia decoration) of the general.

Military general hospitals are requested to view from developing future, and adapt to the general requirement of simplification by adjustment, reform and innovation.

What concerns the general public is whether they can get back their money after being cheated.

Also, as the general!

What are the general requirements undergraduates study?

The general sources of the press law mean the general forms of the effect of it.

Globalization is the general trend of the world economic development.

Stars like the nifty Xiaomao Hai, the general people love.

A few statistics will illustrate the general trend.

The Supreme Court reinstated the general, and the electoral tribunal ordered the ballots to be confiscated.

I can be so impressed by the general manager that I must do my best for the company, so as not to worry about the general manager.

Our Party has laid down the general line and general policy of the Chinese revolution as well as various specific lines for work and specific policies.

It is only the latter with which the general theory of errors is concerned.

Two soldiers and a general are anxiously watching him, and every so often, the general shakes his head, a slightly worried look crossing his face.

Anyway, I managed not to have two fried eggs before the general manager.

but they do underline the general principle,

If the general is not courageous, it is similar to fighting without a general.

This is the general task set for the whole nation.

We feel great anxiety about the general engineer' s sickness.

First introduced the general theory of civil society: civil society, including the content, elements of civil society and the general characteristics of civil society.

Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.

General expropriation behavior, refers to the general as his legal person of property illegally for himself, and is not much, amount to crime.

ABSTRACT: This picture introduces the general situation of Chablis' wine industry.

Jurisprudence is the general theory of law.

The relevant provisions in the general Principles of Civil Law are general, which have caused more arguments on the issue.

The Conclusion of the article probes into the general issues of character personality presentation in operas, and discusses the general patterns and features of opera character portrayal.

Weight: the general higher proportion of real wood door, the door is heavy.

The statue standing in the center of the square speaks of the respect and pride people feel for the general.

The proposal came before the general assembly the next day.

Nonetheless, the general rule is that federal laws of general applicability apply equally to Native Americans and their property.

Another implementation choice was to keep the general layout of the two methods similar.

OK, so that's the general idea.

But the variation of soil moisture will not affect the general growth law of the plant.

the general造句

The guard saluted the general smartly.

This wasn't the first time the general publicly defied the White House.

Well, the general equations, now, which deal in gravity...

In his many works can reflect the general character and personality.

Wuzhen was named after the general of the Tang Dynasty.
