
來源:國語幫 7.48K


9、The above screen shot shows the main window of 010 Editor.

12、Please kindly fax (0086)010-87765441 this form back to the tournament office on or before the dead line.

15、On 2 April 2008, the State of Rio de Janeiro reported 57 010 cases of dengue fever (DF) including 67 confirmed deaths and 58 deaths currently under investigation.


21、闡述國內外*基異丁基*的生產、消費、進出口情況及對2 010年該產品的需求進行預測。


27、007 凡事都要為下一位著想。008 做好周全準備,在對的時間出手。009 一切的溝通,都是為了傳遞愛。010 幸福是與人交往,並且加深羈絆。011 不害怕。不失信。不要求。不放棄。012 培養。固守。持續。013 愈是雞毛蒜皮的約定愈要重視。014 同時擁有放大鏡與望遠鏡的視野。015 情報來自於經驗。知識則應適可而止。016 八勝七敗的美學。017 看,看,持續的看。018 具備交朋友的能力。019 為了工作而玩耍。020 對於媒體,只要保持距離遠望即可。021 不是體貼,而是想像力。

3、Could I check the number, is this 010-110?

7、Consumers can also call the quality watchdog's hotline at 010-59799616.


16、The structure, working principle and measure methods of some performances of the ESS-010-03 Electron Linac were introduced in this paper.

20、用户也可登錄*汽車召回網 或撥打缺陷產品管理中心熱線電話010-65537365以瞭解更多信息。

25、本文介紹了ESS-010-03 型電子直線加速器的主要結構、工作原理,並詳細介紹了加速器幾種*能指標的測試方法。


2、Guangzhou Live 010 will be a one time experience.

8、The switch before line 010 is a master disconnect for the power to the entire system.

14、From Monday to Friday, the first to reserve will gain free fashion coronation service by designers. Please Call 010-58282203.


1、Photo Processing 010: All level files.

10、Should you have any queries, please contact IELTS national call centre at 010-62798811 or .


4、The code for international call is zero one zero ( 010 ) .


5、Please call me (010-5665-3321) if you have any questions.

26、如果您有任何疑問,請致電IELTS全國呼叫中心010-62798811或發郵件至 . 更多信息請訪問:新浪雅思頻道 雅思* 雅思博客圈

13、We will present all of the shipping documents against your LC No. 010 to the advising bank in time .

23、如須瞭解澳大利亞院校參展詳情,請垂詢澳大利亞駐華大使館商務處商務經理申秀雲,010 85328625 或電子郵件
