
來源:國語幫 5.01K

Virchow in 1851 presented a drawing of a multinucleate tumor cell.

The disease was defined in 1845 by a German doctor, Rudolf Virchow, who looked at tumors taken at autopsy and said cancer is an uncontrolled growth that spreads and kills.

In the mid-19th century, a pioneering German pathologist, Rudolf Virchow, identified one feature of cancers: that they represent an uncontrolled proliferation of cells.

談到口試,我想在這裏補充兩個小例子,以見德國口試的情況,以及教授的權威。 19 世紀末,德國醫學泰斗微耳和( Virchow) 有一次口試學生,他把一盤子豬肝擺在桌子上,問學生道:“這是什麼?”學生瞠目結舌,半天説不出話來。他哪裏會想到教授會拿豬肝來呢。結果是口試落第。微耳和對他説:“一個醫學工作者一定要實事求是,眼前看到什麼,就説是什麼。連這點本領和勇氣都沒有,怎能當醫生呢?”又一次,也是這位微耳和在口試,他指了指自己的衣服,問:“這是什麼顏*?”學生端詳了一會,鄭重答道:“樞密顧問(德國成就卓著的教授的一種榮譽稱號)先生!您的衣服曾經是褐*的。”微耳和大笑,立刻説:“你及格了!”因為他不大注意穿着,一身衣服穿了十幾年,原來的褐*變成黑*了


Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor, was once offended beyond endurance by a physician-turned-politician, Rudolf Virchow, and challenged him to a duel.
