用illustrative purpose造句子,“illustrative purpose”造句

來源:國語幫 1.29W

I chose differing node entry names for illustrative purposes only; they could be the same name and likely should be for client setup simplicity.

It gives a brief explanation of how the principle operates and provides simple examples for illustrative purposes of the tests applied to different types of businesses.

For illustrative purposes, we created a couple of web designs that present mathematical principles discussed in this article.

For illustrative purposes, the extract was run against a database with only two users defined and the output is shown in Listing 2.

illustrative purpose造句

For illustrative purposes, let's also imagine that Citibank used content negotiation on the user's account URL.

The servers differ in several ways, including operating systems, instance names, host names, and TCP listening ports; again, this is for illustrative purposes.

For illustrative purposes, I describe the use of PartedMagic 4.11; however, other utilities are similar in broad strokes.

These assertions and differences are for illustrative purposes only.

It should be noted that the eight cores and four Shared LLCs are shown for illustrative purposes only.
