
來源:國語幫 1.3W

Extended Curie-Weiss Law and its Application;

Curie is always used as a surname.

Madame Curie is well known for her discovery of radium.

Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium.

Suddenly, I felt that I was a mere intruder; I became even shyer than Madame Curie.

The Swedish Academy of Sciences was kind enough to celebrate the birth of this science by awarding the Nobel Prize for Physics to the first workers in the field, Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie (1903).

French physicist Pierre Curie,a pioneer in the study of crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity, died at 47 on April 19, 1906.

Paul Langevin and Marie Curie "would remain in contact and talk regularly about scientific matters," says Lauren Redniss, "but the romance was over."

In an old house in the west of the city, there is a stone plaque of Lanben's wedding dress hanging in front of the hall door. In Jane Curie upstairs, there are two daughters, grandmother and Ye Qingyezhen.

I would like here to recall the extraordinary development of radioactivity, this new science which had its origin, less then forty years ago in the work of Henri Becquerel and of Pierre and Marie Curie.

20 世紀初,令人驚異的科學發現(X*線、放*現象、電子等)和強大的新技術(電氣化、無線電報等)正顛覆*地改變着人類的生活,以及人類對大自然的固有觀念。雖然杜尚從小接受繪畫訓練——為了成為藝術家,他17 歲便跟着兩個哥哥來到巴黎,但他和其他非科學家們樂於接受一切與科學有關的事物,因為當時高質量的科普活動很多。科學家們,例如瑪麗亞•居里(Marie Curie)和歐內斯特•盧瑟福(Ernest Rutherford)等人經常在暢銷雜誌上簡明扼要地介紹他們的研究工作。其他人諸如讓•皮蘭(Jean Perrin)和亨利•龐加萊(Henri Poincaré)寫了許多暢銷書。大眾文化裏充滿了科學氣息。

paramagnetic Curie point

Madame Curie was a woman we admired.

French pianist, writer, and editor best known for Madame Curie(1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie.

Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium.

Studies on Measuring Methods of Saturation Magnetization and Curie Temperature by Magnetic Scale

Among the foreign players, the Korean usually take the action of the inner track exceeding technique at Curie in order to exceed the others.

It is a great honor and a great pleasure to us that the Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded us the Nobel Prize for our work on the synthesis of radio-elements, after having presented it to Pierre and Marie Curie in1903, and to Marie Curie in1911, for the discovery of the radio-elements.

Had my compatriot Marie Sklodowska Curie never said to herself" I don t know", she probably would have wound up teaching chemistry at some private high school for young ladies from good families, and would have ended her days performing this otherwise perfectly respectable job.


extrapolated Curie temperature

The Ferromagnetic Materials Curie Temperature Measurement

Size-dependent saturation magnetization and Curie temperature of nanocrystalline nickel

At this time Madame Curie's husband Pierre Curie joined with her in search of the unknown radiation.

We are also indebted to Pierre Curie for basic research in the field of radioactivity, which has been carried out either alone, in collaboration with his pupils.

我真的很珍惜你。那次嚇死我了,嚇得我渾身抽搐,臉*煞白,就直接咯血吐了一地,發昏,暈了過去。我以為我不會再喜歡上一個姑娘,因為好痛啊,痛得我緊鎖眉頭,痛得我想從天橋上跳下去。今年,如果沒有退學,我應該會參加高考,或許還會打算考一所離你近點的大學,或者莫斯科大學。上次,在莊園的那個男生,我問他,你什麼學校?他説,我啊巴黎第六大學。我很興奮的説就是Pierre and Marie Curie,他點頭。我又問:“那你不用去上課嗎?”他説:“我很快就學習完了,學分制。”後來我就在玩雪去了,太無聊了。

Curie and Becquerel conversion tables

He was French, of good family, and his name was Pierre Curie.

The Radium Institute's work would have to wait for peacetime. But surely there were ways in which Curie could use her scientific knowledge to advance the war effort.

Curie two generations

A few years later Marie Curie took a lover.

Established in persistent dream forever, sweat, and tears, overlooking efforts over the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, hard struggle for life, and finally produced a pure radium.

Study on Lead-free High Curie Temperature BaTiO_3-based PTCR;

Personalities such as Socrates, Galileo, Madame Curie and Ghandi stand out against the backdrop of time indelibly as a result of their lasting contributions to human knowledge and understanding.

The great Madame Curie benefited mankind, struggled hard and bitterly all her life, and finally refined the pure radium.

magnetic Curie temperature

I have more than once seen Madame Curie nibbling two thin rounds of sausage.
