
來源:國語幫 3.17W

當女*需要在工作上發憤圖強時,男*就需要在家裏發揮更大的作用。我看過很多女人由於太有控制慾或過於挑剔,結果無意中打擊了男人分擔家務的積極*。社會科學家把這種現象稱為“固守母職”(maternal gatekeeping),意思就是:“天哪,你這樣做不對,放着我來!”所有涉及孩子的事,父親都會唯母親馬首是瞻,這就給了母親極大的權力來鼓勵或是阻止父親的介入。

Although some go even further and require each mail to be checked by amoderator, this kind of gatekeeping is rarely used anymore because it holds updiscussion.

Effective gatekeeping recognizes that not every product should enter the return flow.

In addition, the majority suggested that judges at the class certification stage can probably also make gatekeeping decisions about whether expert witnesses are engaging in junk science.


Ultimately, avoiding returns can resolve many of the gatekeeping and disposition issues, while dramatically controlling costs.

Returns authorization policies help ensure that effective gatekeeping occurs, that customers are credited promptly, and that inventory visibility is created as early as possible.
