
來源:國語幫 2.26W

What never perishes is this memorial hall, which will be there telling the future generations what it witnessed in the history.

I'd rather wear braces, only the elastic perishes.

Facing the situation of country perishes, Quyuan drowned oneself Miluo in this year.

假若記憶是可*縱的 那麼暫居在老舊軀體的新記憶 是孤獨的幸福 還是狂歡的悲傷 ——I leave uncultivated today 死是生的死,卻是死的生。 ——was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored. 我庸碌虛度的今天 是昨天死去的人們所渴望的明天 是新生還是自由 那不過是螻蟻的方向 卻又是方舟的羅盤

Be careful, the flower perishes fast, and if you want to use them try to pick them right before you cook.

I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which of body implored.

——I leave uncultivated today 死是生的死,卻是死的生。 ——was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored. 我庸碌虛度的今天 是昨天死去的人們所渴望的明天 是新生還是自由 那不過是螻蟻的方向 卻又是方舟的羅盤


I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
