用to pass造句子,“to pass”造句

來源:國語幫 3.19W

6、too narrow for a truck to pass

9、I'm sorry I'll have to pass.

12、Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.

15、She how be this words ambitioning to can pass a side person to pass peony to understand?

18、That car tried to pass me on the inside.

21、Graduates of engineering must pass the exam, which is similar to that for a lawyer to pass a vocational examination.

24、Also, in order to pass gymnasium (and you had to pass it to graduate) you had to learn to swim if you didn't know how.

27、We kept pulling into sidings next to the single track to allow other trains to pass.

30、The script uses a WebSphere DataPower context variable to pass its result to the following actions.

3、Ability to pass query parameters.

7、Just to pass the time away.

11、The parentheses to pass in inputs or arguments to functions.

16、He stopped to pass the time of day with Roland.

20、Strange things come to pass I troubled times.

25、You're going to have to pull your finger out if you want to pass this exam.

29、or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time.

4、Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

10、When there was only one person to pass, he politely sidestepped and let me pass first.

17、A doctoral candidate is required to pass a qualifying examination.

23、Article 25 The transit animals that pass the quarantine inspection are allowed to pass through the country;

1、[Euphemism] to pass away

8、The time is so unfeeling to pass.

19、not allowing water to pass in or out.

28、There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get.

13、To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.

26、They are also likely to require banks to hold more capital to pass.

14、allows current to pass from one conductor to another.

5、His failed to pass his visual test.

22、No 100% pass guarantee for online students; no refund or free study next semester if they fail to pass.

to pass造句

2、They attempted to pass bogus.
