用color gamut造句子,“color gamut”造句

來源:國語幫 8.89K

Set in the library on color gamut is very wide, more than the performance of the RGB color gamut, let alone CMYK color space, so, a large color department is to use CMYK printing ink can't present.

Wide color gamut display has high color saturation and color purity, which puts forward higher requirements for color measurement technology and instruments.

Calibrated display information, including the measured color gamut, grayscale color tracking, Delta-E and luminance values, are shown at the end of each monitor calibration.

Laser projection display has advantages over traditional projection technologies, such as extended color gamut, greater colors saturation and low power consumption.

Performance wide color gamut.

New methods for color space conversion of digital color paper printer and its color gamut calculation are proposed.

Abstract: Wide color gamut display is a major current trend in display field with richer color and better layering.

This paper presents a new algorithm of color gamut extraction for printer with aims on the demands of color management system.

So it is an urging problem for laser TV. For taking good advantage of laser TV such as big color gamut mapping and displaying more colors, we will set up a system to fit for the laser TV color system.

One of the pairs includes white in the first color gamut.

Abstract: This monitor display presents a new algorithm of color gamut extraction for monitor display with aims on the demands of color management system.

color gamut造句

Real-time color gamut calibration of wide color gamut projection display system based on LED

Due to the difference of color gamut of different devices, the color match in the color management systems was not as accurate as expected.

The pair generating section generates pairs of colors in a first color gamut and corresponding colors in a second color gamut.

According to the experimentt, hree color printing ink measurement can demarcate the color gamut range and analyze the factor on its color range under different condition of tristimulus values.

The vector generating section generates plural vectors each connecting the color in the first color gamut and the color in the second color gamut, which belong to each generated pair.

Incorporating a color filter with broad color gamut, the panel delicately reproduces the shades of color, and with excellent continuity in color ramps, displays images that are rich and natural.
