來源:國語幫 3.02W

6、A CSSCI-based Positive Study on the H-index of Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars;

9、Report on the Influence of 2000-2004 Chinese Educational Periodicals--Based on the Statistical Analysis of CSSCI;

12、How to Calculate the Impact Factor of Chinese Journals of Social Sciences--Based on the Time Distribution of Citations of CSSCI



2、Analysis on Academic Influence of Sports Science Based on CSSCI;

5、Analysis of Academic Influence of Books on Religious Studies--Based on Data Bank Analysis of CSSCI

10、A Study on the Distribution of Research Ability of Humanities and Social Sciences in University in Guizhou Based on the Database of CSSCI;


3、Cooperation of Researches for Humanity Studies in Our Province Inspired by CSSCI Theses with Collaborative Authors

8、An Important Tool in the Domain of Social Sciences in China: A Review of the CSSCI (2000);

16、常言道:人生失意*九,造化總是捉弄人。然而轉念一想,上蒼對我這個 nerd 已經眷顧有加,讓我受之有愧:洞房花燭夜、金榜題名時、胖兒子尖叫時,這些人生至樂都一一賜予了我。就是黃金屋還沒有碰到。我想,如果北大心理系(現在可能是心理學院了)還召人做試驗,我可能算是合格人選了吧。但願我那像小海豚般可愛的胖兒子到青春期的時候,能長出一副古希臘青年戰士一般*感的體形,學理科或者*金融。如果他不幸變成了文科 nerd,我也要像我爸爸教訓我那樣教訓他:説是再複雜的一部歌劇總譜,也是一個音符一個音符寫出來的,舞蹈家一個動作反覆練習上千遍,肯定和練五百遍的不一樣。那 “CSSCI”上面“一類重要核心學術期刊”文章,也是一個字一個字地……

7、A Glimpse at Chinese Study of the Humanities and Social Sciences from CSSCI;

1、CSSCI and its Evaluation Function;


4、Analyzing the Characteristics of the Resources in Network from CSSCI

11、Analysis of Research Capability in Humanities and Social Sciences of Normal Universities and Colleges in China: Data Analysis Based on CSSCI;
