
來源:國語幫 1.27W



祖國提出了實現中華民族偉大復興的“*夢”, “國家興亡,匹夫有責”,作為二十一世紀的我們,又該如何響應國家書面表達祖國提出了實現中華民族偉大復興的“*夢”,“國家興亡,匹夫有責”,作為二十一世紀的我們,又該如何響應...的號召,放飛夢想,自信自強,為實現祖國的繁榮昌盛而儘自己的微薄之力呢?請結合以下表格,以“My dream”為題寫一篇短文。


I want to


be interested in


Ways to achieve my dream

work hard at school

find out how successful people did it






Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Haze happens from time to time in our life now and it is harmful to our health and the society. Read on to find more.

It causes traffic accidents because people can’t see clearly in such weather. What’s more, many people get sick. They get a bad cold and cough a lot, especially children and the old.

From my point of view, something must be done to solve the problem. First and foremost, it couldn’t be better if factories reduce pollution which is the main cause of haze. Besides, we’re supposed to drive cars less. Instead, we can choose to walk or take a bus. Last but not the least, needless to say, trees are the lung of our earth. As a result, the more we plant, the greener it will be.

In general, as an old saying goes, “All hands make the work light.” Therefore, if everyone can work together to solve the problem, I hold the strong belief that we can surely enjoy a cleaner and better future.


